This morning, as I counted unshoveled sidewalks on the way down to work--97(!). including sidewalks in front of homes, both occupied and vacant, "churches," and businesses, on the streets on which I was traveling and not adjacent side streets--I was treated to this conversation by two men sitting across the aisle from me. I'm going to call them "Mumbles" and "Shrill."
Mumbles: "BlablaFUCKbla mumbleFUCK!"
Shrill: "FUCKsqueak eep FUCKing squeak!"
Mumbles: "BlarghFUCKFUCKFUCKgurgle blahmumble."
Shrill: (laughter)
Mumbles: "Grumblemumble gagFUCK bitchmumble blah."
Shrill: "Shriek squeakFUCK peep."
Classy, no? Particularly at 7AM.
Because of the holiday, Monday's commute was pretty quiet. Today wasn't too bad - no students, no standers. But the person who sat next to me leaned on me the whole time, crushing me into the window. I realized about halfway downtown that she was nodding off, so I'd periodically give her a shove towards the aisle, not-so-secretly wishing she'd fall off the seat.
I am horrible, aren't I? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Posted by theminx on MTA Diaries.