Friday, March 18, 2011

Flashback! July 26, 2002


I was waiting for the bus this morning, in the same place I have been standing for almost two years now. I was waiting for the same bus that I always take - the Express to downtown. There's usually not much to do while I am standing there; sometimes I read, but mostly I just observe my surroundings. I notice people going to 7AM Mass. I notice the man who parks his car across the street, reads the newspaper with the engine on, then drives off again (a daily occurrence). I notice the umpteen joggers and dog walkers and bicyclists (who shouldn't be on the sidewalk, btw). But today, I was the one noticed. After the third male motorist who stared at me passed, I wondered if my left breast wasn't maybe hanging out, or if I had a gaping hole in my pants, or a big ole pile of bird shit was perched undaintily on my head. John, a neighbor who on occasion catches the same bus, walked up toward me, said "good morning" and then stared at the top of my head momentairly before assuming his position on the sidewalk. I had to know. "Do I look odd this morning?" I asked him. "No, you look fine. Your hair is a bit windblown." (Guess he noticed I noticed his glance hairward.) It was a bit windy, and I had already checked my hair in my little mirror and found nothing extraordinary about it this morning.

I still haven't figured it out. I haven't gotten any odd looks at work (yet).

Posted by theminx on MTA Diaries.